Nan Miojo Rengue Kio
Manuel Damian
1. - Why raise awareness?
2. - The metaphor of the towers
3. - The world of energy
4. - We are body, mind, emotion, energy and spirit
5.- The struggle for power
6.- The connection with infinite energy
7.- States of life
8.- The Celestine Prophecy
10.- Summary
11.- Topics to be covered in future courses
1. - Why raise awareness?
The life of human beings have two basic lines, these two elements are the external and internal world.
The happiness and peace of human beings are achieved by balancing the two axes.
External development
Post grade
Technical courses
Personal tools
Communication tools
Why wake up?
Who are we?
What is the function of our body?
What is the operation of our minds?
What is consciousness?
What is fear?
What is meditation?
How to achieve balance?
What is the process of emotions?
What is peace?
2. - The metaphor of the towers
This article appears in the blog of Paulo Coelho, which deals with the towers as a partnership or as a metaphor.
For me, every human being is a tower, our consciousness is the connection between the inner world and environment around us. In the same way that consciousness is represented as a flashlight in the metaphor of the museum, every human being has the light, or awareness that can help other people wake up and turn on the light inside of them.
The Tower
The eternal hourglass keeps on turning and from it’s sands emerge The Tower.
Symbolically the tower represents the axis of the world since it unites heaven and earth.
In the Bible, the first tower is the
In Christianity specifically, the tower would always represent humans vanity and misfortune. Yet the lighthouse - which is a tower, emerging from the waves with a light on its top - would have a positive connotation since it’s light would guide the souls in the good direction.
It was only in the middle ages that towers would flourish in
Now you take the floor, what do you associate with the tower?
3. - The world of energy
How it works?
The feelings of human beings have the power to move the energy that is in them. These are ways to communicate and develop awareness of our energy on the inside. At external level of our energy is directed to the power of our attention.
We can absorb energy by eating food and breathing, we can also take the energy of our external environment.
Humans share the flow of mental energy, taking or giving the reason. Also you can exchange energy by providing your care.
We feel the energy, energy is the feeling. When we are very happy we are full of energy and we are sad when we lose all power.
Using energy we perceive things around us more clearly.
Where is the attention goes the energy, we can decide to give energy to people, plants, parts of our body, animals and thoughts.
4. - We are body, mind, emotion, energy and spirit
Human beings are not only the physical body that we see with our eyes and thoughts we hear in our mind.
We human beings are the interaction of several bodies.
Additional to the physical body and mental body (thoughts), there are the emotional body, the energy body and spiritual body.
Each body has a different consciousness, we are aware of our physical body as we see it, we can be aware of the mental body, because we can see the thoughts of our mind. We can be aware of our emotional body because we can observe our emotions, we can be aware of our spiritual body because is the observer.
Everything is silent, and our thoughts have stopped. At that point we become the observer and we are in just that instant. Although the inner voice of our mind is stopped. It is there when our consciousness awakens. It is there that we experience when we are the observer. We are not only the mental body with which we are identified.
5.- The struggle for power
There are occasions where we discuss; we start a fight to get energy from people around us, performing mental roles as actors in a play. In these occasions people do not control what they say. Human beings put into practice patterns of behavior learned in the past.
When we get the attention of those around us, we absorb the energy of them. Sometimes we do this through mental patterns learned in the past. It is not necessary to take the energy of others in this way, we can get energy from another source, without needing to download the power of the people who are around us.
These behaviors are stored in our memory and we behave in that way unconsciously. We do not know another way to do it. By observing the thoughts and actions we do, we can develop the awareness, and we can identify, unconscious actions we perform every day.
By the time we woke up, unconscious actions disappear. There are two extremes in these patterns, the first is called: my poor self, in which people interpret the role of the victim to gain attention and energy of those around them. At the other extreme, we find the role of the interrogator, his job is to find weaknesses in people, to criticize. Then the trick is to suggest the right thing from their point of view, to win the attention and energy of the victim.
This is the struggle for psychological reasons.
6.- The connection with infinite energy
Imagine that your thoughts are clouds and fog around a mountain. Imagine that these clouds do not let sunlight reach the mountain, to give energy to plants. Imagine that we take the energy in the same way that trees are fed from the sun. The plants of the mountain, they need rain to grow, they also need to absorb energy from the sun. We need memories and thoughts of the mind to be able to evolve, and we need calm and quiet in mind. In the same way as sunlight passes through areas where there are no clouds, energy, hit the center of our being with peace, calm and love, through the spaces where there are no thoughts. This process makes us wake up. This allows us to overcome fear, pain and mental roles. In this way, people wake up.
There are many techniques, methods, philosophies and exercises to develop inner awareness, meditation, Yoga, Reiki and the Tai-Chi, help people enjoy a better life. Here are two exercises to begin the path of development of consciousness.
The first exercise is to sit relaxed with a sheet and a pen. The second step is to observe the thoughts that come to mind, and make us aware of them, the goal is to remain silent and stop the flow of thoughts flowing unconsciously. To accomplish this, we must write on the sheet, any thoughts that go through the mind spontaneously. We can check at the end of 10 minutes, all ideas that come spontaneously, while the purpose of the exercise was not thinking. The final goal of this exercise is to become aware of the mental body.
The second exercise is to count numbers in sets of 10. The numbers are placed at the end of each breath, after introducing air into the lungs, there is a number, the next step is to remove air from the body. There is another number. The mind will try to think about the next issue of the count while you are inhaling or exhaling, the objective of this exercise is only thinking about the next number when you finish exhaling or inhaling. In this way, the mind must be watching only the breathing until the change between inhalation and exhalation and vice versa.
7.- States of life
The Soka Gakkai International of Venezuela, published a text, (La vida victoriosa, 1998), that describes the status or condition of life that we experience within us. My purpose is to provide with my own words a little light.
An important part of life are the emotions and feelings, Know yourself and find peace and happiness. In a state of peace and love, you can see your emotions, feelings, thoughts, and then you will find silence and truth.
We all live in states of joy and sadness, constantly experiencing emotional changes, the results of these experiences are the consequences of the actions, words, thoughts, emotions and feelings.
In the next paragraph are the states of life. We can live in any of them. We can leave and enter another one at any time, depending on our actions, words, thoughts, emotions and feelings.
You are in hell, if you're suffering and feel hopeless. It is the state where you feel you do not have freedom of action.
You are in a state of hunger if you feel dominated by the insatiable desire, desire for anything.
Animality is the state that appears, if you do not hesitate to take advantage of the weakest. If you do not show a sense of morality.
You are in a state of anger, if you perceive everything as a potential threat to yourself. If you are selfish and greedy.
The state of humanity exists if you are quiet, calm and passive. You behave in a humane way, but you are vulnerable to external influences.
You are in a state of ecstasy when you joy in the achievement of a desire, you feel good physically and internally. You are vulnerable to external influences.
Until this point, the previous six states are determined by your interaction with external circumstances. Your life in these states is dominated by reactions to your environment.
The following states exist when we start to seek the truth, we are aware and we are watching in silence.
The state of learning takes place when you're looking for the truth through education or experience of others.
The state of understanding, is to seek the truth through your own direct perception of the world.
The state Bodisatva, is to aspire to achieve enlightenment. In this state, you are committed to working to ensure that all human beings achieve enlightenment. Your act to transform the suffering of others in peace.
The state of enlightenment, is to feel perfectly at liberty to awake to the fundamental truth of life. Is to experience the now. Is to go beyond the thoughts of the mind. You just live here and now. It's when you always feel peace and love in the eternal "now" that is life.
8.- The Celestine Prophecy
I invite you all to see this movie. It shows knowledge that helps us to see life from a different paradigm.
In this story, we find the following points.
Life constantly sends us messages. If you pay attention every day, we'll see the synchronicity that happens all the time.
We are living in a period of significant change for all humanity.
Behind everything that surrounds us in this world, there is the energy that connects us. We can all see the energy that surrounds us.
All people can direct their energy. The secret is in the power of observation and attention.
The key to connect with universal energy.
Know thyself, observes your behavior.
Find the path to happiness.
The energy increases when we all work in groups.
The purpose of humanity.
The following elements make up the story.
.- Critical mass.
.- 1000 years of history
.- The world of energy.
.- The struggle for power
.- The connection with the energy of the environment.
.- Clarifies your past
.- Find your way
.- The behavior
.- The next step of mankind
Rei means universal and Ki energy, Reiki is a technique that allows the conduction of energy from the environment through a person acting as a channel and finally deliver peace to another person.
Reiki is a way of life, which allows connection to the energy that surrounds us. This allows to transmit love from one person to another. It makes people feel inner peace and feel the universal energy that surrounds us.
This will get many benefits in our being. The energy body of the receiver is loaded with energy. The energy that is circulating in a person is connected with all the bodies that make up human beings. The energy carries peace, calm and balance to physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energy level.
Namasté is the way to say hello and say goodbye to reikistas, comes from
Reiki is not only a way of transmitting energy is a way of life, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. To feel the energy and transmit it is necessary to comply with the five principles of Reiki.
The 5 principles are:
Just for today I will not worry.
Just for today I will not hurt.
Just for today I will be nice to people.
Just for today I will do my best at work.
Just for today I will give thanks to God for the gifts received.
To understand how Reiki works, you must be aware that human beings are the interaction between various bodies of which we have discussed above.
To give energy to others, we need to have the intention and be empty.
10.- Summary
We have been educated to be active members of society, for this we have gone to schools and universities, to develop tools that allow us to develop in the environment around us. To achieve balance, we must also develop tools that allow us to develop awareness of our internal elements such as, body, emotions, thoughts, energy and soul.
To bring peace and calm to those around us, we have to grow inside of us. People have the ability to become towers with lights that give light and peace to those who have not touched dry land, we can see these people as boats, people who cross the sea storms.
We are full of energy, where is the attention goes the energy of our being, we can give and receive energy with the emotions, the connection between energy and us, this connection are the emotions we feel.
We are the interaction between body, mind, emotion, energy and spirit, having this knowledge we can develop an awareness in each of these aspects.
There are techniques that show us the way to make connections with the energy, just to sit 15 minutes a day and feel the breath, emotions, thoughts and energy flowing in the body. With this simple exercise, people open up a space for the energy and peace in their lives.
The thoughts and emotions of us, make us feel the outside world in different ways, as our awareness grows, we are making progress in standards of living.
The book “The Celestine Prophecy " teaches us that life sends us messages constantly evolving and overcoming our internal world in search of peace.
The practice of Reiki helps us to realize the energy that surrounds us, to help others and ourselves and thus contribute to improving the world in which we live.
11.- Topics to be covered in future courses
.- Five basic elements. Learning to breathe.
Learning to eat well.
Learning to relax body, mind emotion and spirit.
Become a defensoramante of nature.
.- Metaphors.
Metaphor of the cave.
The film image in the mind.
Ideas like the waves at sea.
You are a lake, we see only the surface, you are also the water that is in the background.
The flashlight in the museum.
The flashlight in the fog.
The three drops of oil on the spoon.
.- The Book of Virtues.
.- Explain the routine of mind and "ego".
The psychological now. The future and past psychological.
.- Techniques for connection to energy.
Old movie.
The point behind the head of peace (for the inside).
Feel the peace, relaxation and silence throughout the head.
Feel peace in the face of the head (on the inside).
Feel peace in the middle of the top of the spine.
Feel the silence that exists in the heart (in the middle of the chest).
Feeling the moment, now, silence, on the objects around us.
Light that fills the body from the feet to the head.
Feeling the presence of nature.
Observe things around us without any thought that comes to mind.
Feeling that the observer (which we really are), viewed from inside, feeling that we are totally submerged and floating in water, such as fleets in the bottom of a pool.
Feeling that the body is a container filled with liquid and then empty it to the bottom.
Stop thinking of the head, paralyzed and not think or feel anything.
.- Yoga.
.- The thoughts of the movie "The Secret."
.- The ethics, morality and social values.
.- The Power of Now.
.- The Law of attraction.
.- The quantum physics.
.- The emotional intelligence.
.- An emerging paradigm.
.- Osho.
.- Eckhart Tolle.
.- Buddhism.
.- Links of interest about the awakening of consciousness.
.- The matrix in the awakening of consciousness.
Groups .- Facetbook on awakening.
.- Meditations together.
.- How continuum? What I doing?
.- Books to read about the awakening of consciousness.
.- Movies with messages about the awakening.
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace.
You may say I´m a dreamer,
But I´m not the only one.
I hope someday you´ll join us,
And the world will be as one.
John Lennon
Nan Miojo Rengue Kio
Manuel Damian
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