The Soka Gakkai International of Venezuela, published a text, (La vida victoriosa, 1998), that describes the status or condition of life that we experience within us. My purpose is to provide with my own words a little light.
An important part of life are the emotions and feelings, Know yourself and find peace and happiness. In a state of peace and love, you can see your emotions, feelings, thoughts, and then you will find silence and truth.
We all live in states of joy and sadness, constantly experiencing emotional changes, the results of these experiences are the consequences of the actions, words, thoughts, emotions and feelings.
In the next paragraph are the states of life. We can live in any of them. We can leave and enter another one at any time, depending on our actions, words, thoughts, emotions and feelings.
You are in hell, if you're suffering and feel hopeless. It is the state where you feel you do not have freedom of action.
You are in a state of hunger if you feel dominated by the insatiable desire, desire for anything.
Animality is the state that appears, if you do not hesitate to take advantage of the weakest. If you do not show a sense of morality.
You are in a state of anger, if you perceive everything as a potential threat to yourself. If you are selfish and greedy.
The state of humanity exists if you are quiet, calm and passive. You behave in a humane way, but you are vulnerable to external influences.
You are in a state of ecstasy when you joy in the achievement of a desire, you feel good physically and internally. You are vulnerable to external influences.
Until this point, the previous six states are determined by your interaction with external circumstances. Your life in these states is dominated by reactions to your environment.
The following states exist when we start to seek the truth, we are aware and we are watching in silence.
The state of learning takes place when you're looking for the truth through education or experience of others.
The state of understanding, is to seek the truth through your own direct perception of the world.
The state Bodisatva, is to aspire to achieve enlightenment. In this state, you are committed to working to ensure that all human beings achieve enlightenment. Your act to transform the suffering of others in peace.
The state of enlightenment, is to feel perfectly at liberty to awake to the fundamental truth of life. Is to experience the now. Is to go beyond the thoughts of the mind. You just live here and now. It's when you always feel peace and love in the eternal "now" that is life.
Nan Miojo Rengue Kio
Manuel Damian
Nan Miojo Rengue Kio
Manuel Damian
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